Do you have members at your affiliate or group fitness facility asking for nutritional advice? 

Do you have members at your affiliate whose main goal is weight loss? 

Do you see them training consistently but not moving towards their goals?

Do you have members whose goal is muscle gain but they don’t know what or when they should be eating?

If your members start moving towards their goals by improving their nutrition practices, does that benefit you by increasing their attendance, increasing their enjoyment, improved word of mouth, more advertising and testimonial opportunities? 

Your clients will become walking billboards for your gym - those around them see their body / mood / self esteem change and ask what they have been doing - they saw you, your gym and the services attached 

Do you get a lot of questions about supplements, fad diets, eating for performance, women’s health?

Are you confident in answering all of these questions yourself?

Do you want to add a service for your members?


What we offer you, as an affiliate owner:

1 x Live Facebook Q&A each month

The assigned coach will bring a relevant topic of discussion and also ask for questions from the members on the Facebook page ahead of time. 20 - 35 minutes

3 x Nutrition Posts each month

Each month we will create and post 3 unique posts related to topics discussed and brought up by your members. We also answer all questions below the post in the comment section


What our clients say

"I initially started working with FNC to improve my body composition. They educated me on the importance of eating real food and how easy it was to prepare my own meals"

- Beau Bo, FNC client


"Josh managed to customise a flexible meal plan for me that I can use whilst travelling, shift work and juggling 3 small children"

- Penny, FNC client


How it works