Transform Your Life, Inside and Out!

Empowering you to reach your full potential.

Our nutrition and behaviour change expertise will guide you to your dream self.

Become a confident eater, align with your values, and let us change your life together, one step at a time.

1-1 Nutrition Coaching with FNC is for you!

We provide you with:

Individualised Coaching for your goals, lifestyle and preferences

Video Consults

Weekly Email Check Ins

Ongoing support, accountability and guidance

Access to our Coaching App

Recipe and Resource Library

Access to Team FNC Online Community

Min Sign Up: 12 weeks

Note: This is a minimum term it is not a 12-week program.


$70 / week

Monthly Video Consults

✓ Ideal for those who are looking for nutrition education, support, guidance and are self motivated.


$90 / week

Fortnightly Video Consults

✓ Nutrition education, support and guidance for those who also want to improve their relationship with food.

✓ For those who benefit from talking through strategies, issues, progress and planning.

✓ Great for those who want to make progress towards a goal whilst learning what works and why.


$130 / week

Weekly Video Consults

✓ Competitive sports performance and dedicated sports nutrition practices.

Need more support surrounding body image, emotional eating, critical self talk.

Programs set up with sequential activities tailored to goals and needs. Eg. Body Image, Workshop Activities, Sports Nutrition, Reducing Forbidden Foods List.


*The form may ask you for a Reference Number. You can create your own: FNC-YourName

**If you are from outside Australia, you can use NSW as your chosen state.


What’s included in 1 on 1 nutrition coaching with FNC:

  • Individualised Coaching: Your journey is unique, and your coaching will be tailored to your specific goals, lifestyle, training schedule, and personal preferences.

  • Video Consults: We'll collaborate in real-time during video consults to develop effective strategies and monitor your progress together.

  • Weekly Check-Ins: Stay connected with your coach through weekly check-ins, where we review your food intake, progress, address any questions, and provide valuable feedback.

  • Access to Our App: Gain access to our exclusive members-only app, featuring a diverse recipe and resource library to keep you inspired and motivated.

  • Team FNC Community: Join our vibrant community, where we share exclusive content and support each other on this transformative journey.

BONUS: As a special gift, you'll receive our "5 Ingredients Of Fortitude" Recipe eBook, filled with 34 easy-to-make recipes to keep your culinary adventures exciting.

1 on 1 nutrition coaching price:

Min Sign Up: 12 weeks
Cost: Monthly Consult - $70p/w, Fortnightly Consult - $90p/w, Weekly Consult - $130p/w

*The form may ask you for a Reference Number. You can create your own: FNC-YourName

**If you are from outside Australia, you can use NSW as your chosen state.

***When you wish to finish up coaching, we require 7 days notice.

Kind words from our community

Our Values

Min Sign Up: 12 weeks
Cost: Monthly Consult - $70p/w, Fortnightly Consult - $90p/w, Weekly Consult - $130p/w

*The form will ask you for a Reference Number. You can create your own: FNC-YourName

** Note that some savings accounts do not allow direct debits. Please use an everyday account unless sure your account will allow direct debits, as failed payment fees are charged to the customer

***If you are from outside Australia, you can use NSW as your chosen state.