Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the best diet for me?

There is no one diet that is best. We don’t prescribed any “named” diets as they are generally restrictive of one or multiple things. We educate our clients on the role of each macronutrient and develop strategies to live a balanced lifestyle that helps them achieve their health and fitness goals.

+ Can I have a cheat meal?

We don’t use the term cheat meal. We like to use the term “Open Choice Meal”. There is a negative connotation around cheat meals and it implies it must be extremely unhealthy. Open Choice Meals give the individual the opportunity to eat as they feel.

+ What is your nutrition philosophy?

We believe that all food has a role and we try to educate our clients to consume foods based on their purpose. We work with our clients to eat mindfully and to make choices that are aligned with their health and fitness goals.

+ Can you tell me exactly what to eat and when?

Nutrition is individual and for best results, should be personalised. We can educate you on how to create meals that are aligned with your health and fitness goals. You may start with a meal plan which you and your coach work on together, ensuring that the chosen foods are those which you enjoy. Long term, we want to build your confidence and knowledge to the point where you have complete autonomy over your food choices.

+ How long will I need 1 on 1 nutrition coaching?

We recommend working together for at least 3-6 months with a minimum of 12 weeks. This minimum allows us enough time to set you up for long term success, with a clear commitment to change from the start.

+ What will I learn from nutrition coaching?

You will learn the role each macronutrient plays in helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. You will learn to find a way of eating that suits you, that helps you move towards your goals and also stay there. You will learn to overcome individual barriers around nutrition and how to create sustainable change.

+ Does eating healthy mean no social life?

We work with our clients on developing strategies around social settings and educating them on the importance of a balance lifestyle. Have a read of the testimonials on our Results page and see that our clients get great results whilst enjoying healthy social lives.

+ Do I get a meal plan?

We provide example days of eating based on each client's preferences and lifestyle. We can educate you on how to create meals that are aligned with your health and fitness goals. You may start with a meal plan which you and your coach work on together, ensuring that the chosen foods are those which you enjoy. Long term, we want to build your confidence and knowledge to the point where you have complete autonomy over your food choices.

+ Do you offer training programs?

We focus solely on nutrition however do have some home workout ideas in our TeamFNC Online Community which you will get access to.

We do have recommendations and referrals to training programs:

Resistance / Weight Training - Will Berkman (Discount Code: FNC15 for 15% off)

Crossfit - Khan Porter / Sweat Therapy

+ Do I have to weigh and measure my food?

There are a range of other methods we can use to measure portion sizes, kitchen scales can be an effective tool for learning about portion sizes and helping to build some consistency in building meals however they are not the only way. We have plenty of clients who get great results and develop a great understanding of nutrition without weighing food.

+ Do you only do nutrition for Crossfitters?

We work with anyone and everyone, not just elite level CrossFit Athletes. Fat loss, muscle gain, athletic performance, overall health - our clients are individuals with individual goals. If you have a different goal and want to be sure we are the right fit for you, contact us and let's talk it through before making any commitments to coaching.