"The team are so professional and their passion for helping others comes through at every step."

I've really enjoyed the content that both Zoya and FNC have provided throughout this journey. There was never any judgement when I admitted to veering off-track, and instead there was a focus on better understanding how I can balance social occasions with my training goals. The team are so professional and their passion for helping others comes through at every step. I personally loved the emphasis on finding an overarching/infinite purpose that can continually guide my decision-making without it being impossible or unrealistic to reach.

— Matt J, FNC client

"Thanks to Mac’s education and encouragement, I’ve been able to make consuming 300g a daily non-negotiable."

Without Mac … I would never have improved my diet quality. Prior to Mac, my fruit and grain quantity and quality was poor. As a fussy eater, I always struggled. But thanks to Mac’s education and encouragement, I’ve been able to make consuming 300g a daily non-negotiable, which has improved my well-being.

— Corinne Wooden, FNC client

"I now have nutritional goals that I never set for myself such as protein intake and the way this has benefited me is beyond compare."

I now have nutritional goals that I never set for myself such as protein intake and the way this has benefited me is beyond compare. I now have a way clearer perspective and understanding on food and nutrition since working with Tom due to his ability to explain rather than just tell me what to do.

— Erin Cowie, FNC client

"I have now become flexible, intentional and health-driven when considering nutrition choices."

I used to be quite a perfectionist with nutrition prior to meeting with Mac. I have now become flexible, intentional and health-driven when considering nutrition choices. My "why" behind food decisions has changed, and I think that is the most invaluable lesson to take home. I have understood that my nutrition will continue to evolve depending on the situational context I am in, rather than sticking to a rigid and impractical script. My nutrition ensures that it is optimal for my personal goals, and I am leaving very little room for gains to be missed.

— Hadi Youssef, FNC client