5 Competition Day Nutrition Tips

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There are a few key principals that you want to have in place on the day of a sporting competition. Here are 5 Competition Day Nutrition Tips:

  1. Hydration

  2. Fuel availability (carbohydrates)

  3. Promotion of a net positive protein balance

  4. Caffeine (optional, but a good idea)

  5. Consideration for gastrointestinal comfort.

The effects of discomfort, namely gastrointestinal discomfort, is a component of competition day nutrition that should get upmost attention. Regardless of any proposed positive physiological benefit of something, if it makes you 'feel bad' or sick it's probably going to do more worse than good.

'Fuelling', or comp day 'protocols' should be tested, evaluated, and refined during training in the lead up to an event.

Competition day is NOT the time to try new foods, or even the same foods in greater amounts.

Selections should be based upon things that you know 'sit well with you' even in the amounts you intend to consume on the day.

For example, Pre-workouts and energy drinks often bloat many folks. So No-Doz is a safe bet when it comes to comfortable caffeine ingestion and don't go consuming 4 bagels when you normally would only ever consume 1 in a given sitting.

The principals would largely remain the same for an endurance event, but the selections would differ a little. Things like energy gels would come into the mix.

If you’re interested in performance nutrition coaching for your chosen sport, contact us today to start working with a sports nutritionist.